what danish & co offers?

Danish & Co. is company working under the Danish Group Of Companies. This company offers services of CCTV surveillance and Solar Panels installation. This company also offers security camera installation services. Danish & Co. has a dedicated team behind all this process. Let’s take a look at what is the process of their services.


Businesses face several challenges when it comes to the security of their organization, their assets, and their employees. Are you looking to prevent and reduce the chances of theft at your organization? Are you looking for a solution which will help you in improving employee productivity, resolve internal business disputes, and cut down security-related costs? Then, having CCTV monitoring for your business is the best solution.

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1. Video Surveillance and Monitoring

We help your organization or store to quickly set up the video monitoring devices and connect it to a central station which will be constantly monitored by a team. Our CCTV surveillance team can help you put up and manage video observations in public areas as well.

2. Quality Control

The head of our monitoring team will oversee the activities and services of CCTV operators. They also perform regular and unplanned audits to ensure performance remains at the highest level. These processes help make the process smooth and efficient.

3. CCTV Monitoring Document

Every event observed on CCTV is documented for future use and a report is generated. Our team ensures that the report features various details, for example, the camera used, the zone, the timestamp, and any other relevant information collected by CCTV.

4. Testing, Checks, & Maintenance

CCTV monitoring service from Flatworld Solutions also includes regular testing of facilities to make sure that the desired quality surveillance is provided to the clients. We check light conditions, camera operations, remote control capabilities for panning and zooming etc.

Danish & Co Solar Power

Danish & Co. Solar Power is a full-service solar company installing solar panels and backup power systems for homeowners and businesses. Our mission is to provide complete residential and commercial solar power solutions with quality craftsmanship, attention to detail, and excellent customer service that inspires you to recommend us to others.

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our Basic working

How We Do It?

The system is comprised of solar panels, mounting structure, inverters and after sunset backup system through battery bank. To start with, Our engineering team performs an on-site consultation to determine the best size, mounting arrangement, and positioning for your system. After necessary analysis, we present our each client the detailed plan and design layout.


By inspecting your premises, our Technical Consultants will collect all necessary information in order to plan with you the most flexible solution that matches your requirements and is cost effective.

Feasibility Study

Our Feasibility Study provides a comprehensive technical and energy study on the estimated energy production of your system, as well as an economic study calculating for you the maximum future profitability of your investment.


Installation of your system carries out all the necessary actions according to schedule, with on-time delivery of the required equipment for the implementation and application of the project.